My Reply to Durianrider

April 12, 2011

I posted this as a comment on this atrocity of a blog posting. We’ll see if it makes it through moderation:

Hey Durianrider,

Some really interesting science you’ve got going here. ;)

I’m posting two links in this comment. The first is my “recap” after trying a “primal” diet for 6 weeks. You’ll see that I posted exactly what I ate and any activity for all 42 days (save a 3 day camping trip). Clearly I lost my gut, I didn’t gain one. The before picture was the result of following the government recommendations pretty closely – diet and cardio. You’ll also see that I didn’t starve myself at all. (See average daily calories per week in first graph – the teal line). I also exercised fewer minutes per week during those six weeks than before I started. (

The second link is my 6 month update. After the initial 6 weeks, I stopped tracking my intake and ate whatever I wanted (clean paleo/primal foods only of course!). [Though to be fair, I wasn’t restricting myself during the first six weeks, though one could argue that happened unintentionally due to the act of recording what I ate.] In this post I have added a third picture, the six month picture. You’ll see that although I got a new camera, I didn’t get a new gut (or even my old one back). (

I promise I’m not “on HGH shots” – or starving myself. :)


Oh and I’m just getting my own site going ( so you can call me a blogger too!


I’m looking forward to the great debate! Go get ’em Richard.

Update after the jump.

*UPDATE* After the first comment below (veganbob), and my reply below,  we had the following email exchange:


Hey Bob,

I replied to your comment on my blog post – just wanted to make sure you were notified so you could respond. I’m just getting settled in the new blog and I haven’t worked out the kinks yet.

Thanks for reading!

Him: (now with “harley johnstone” in the “from” line)

thanks mate. Hey give it time on any diet/exercise programme. Look CLOSELY at your guru’s. Be WARY when you go into google images and only a few SAME shots come up.. 😉


Woa, I didn’t realize veganbob and Durianrider were one and the same. Would you mind posting your reply as a comment on my blog? (Or if I did so?)

Here’s a link to the original conversation.



Yet to get a reply. Also, he still hasn’t approved my comment on his blog, though I approved his on mine. Also, keep in mind this could be some imposter trying to make durianrider look stupid. 🙂


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