Posts filed under ‘Recipe’

Burger and Fries: Round Three

Quick hit here. Burger with pepperjack just like the last two posts. This time I added bacon and avocado to the burger(s), and fried plantains for the side dish. Click to enlarge.


May 3, 2011

Crusted Rockfish, Another Burger w/Fries, and a PWO Meal

This week featured a bevy of delicious meals, so I figured I’d share. First off, we found some wild-caught Rockfish at Costco, so the girlfriend cooked it up according to this recipe.  She used coconut flour and butter for the wheat flour and canola oil, respectively.

The sauce seemed waaaay too strong when tasted alone, but it was perfect on the fish. She did end up using about twice the butter called for in the sauce. After the break, we’ll see another take on a burger and fries and a PWO meal.


6 comments April 29, 2011

My Leangains Meals

Leangains already has a few posts up on possible meals (1, 2). Today’s post is an example PWO menu.

You will notice that my food choices represent a moderate departure from paleo. Most would agree that protein powder is not quite paleo/primal, and I go a little overboard with it PWO. Also, Rice Krispies are a little controversial, but it’s just toasted white rice, and while not a significant source of micronutrients, white rice doesn’t have the nasty stuff that keeps brown rice off the menu. I’m still keeping my food gluten-free and without added sugar (ok like 4g of sugar in the cereal), and outside of the PWO window I keep it very clean paleo/primal.

I’m not planning to run this protocol forever, but I do expect that IF and cyclic low-carb with PWO overfeeds will be a part of my life for a long time. Also, I love the training. Read on.


2 comments April 14, 2011

Chock Full o’ Meals

Thanks in part to my own slow transition, I have a bit of a meal pile-up on my hands. Which means you’ll be receiving a bountiful feast of recent meals in the form of one giant post. Hope you’re hungry.

First up, an American classic: a burger with fries.

The burger is 80/20 grass-fed from Hearst Ranch. It’s just up the street from us, but they ship anywhere too (if you give them a call, they’ll give you free shipping on orders over $35). I mixed 1/3 lb with one pastured egg and some cumin, then pan-fried it in some bacon grease we had stored. It was great with the pepperjack slice on top.

The sweet potato fries were easier than I expected. I just peeled and cut a large one with a sharp knife, then pan-fried in bacon grease. Next time to crisp them up a bit I’ll try baking after frying then cooling on a rack.

Jump for more.


April 10, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner and Pork Tenderloin

Last night, the girlfriend made deliciously cheesy eggs and bacon – a pretty common meal around these parts. However, this time she made a chopped cucumber and tomato salad drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice. It was wonderful.

Cheap meat dinner after the break.


February 25, 2011

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